Friday 13 September 2013

The best branded head collars to your dog training…!!

Among people who were having the difficulties to make their dog walk on leash, head collars are becoming very popular. A head color is a device which is made of nylon straps which fits the dogs head, muzzle and the leash attached under the dogs head. Different types of head collars are available in the market depending upon each instructors use but obviously all will do the same job by controlling the direction of the dog and its body. Often these head collars are used for the horse riding where it has been put on the horse’s bridle. A head color works in the same way by controlling the force of the horse.

When it is used with the dogs, these collars inhibit the dog’s ability to pull because there is no force is being exerted on the dog’s neck and the chest. Instead of using the strip which holds the dogs head tightly, these collars is having the ability to control most of the dogs with one hand. The use of head collars at the time of training the dogs have gained the most popularity for the last few years.

These collars are considered to be one of the most useful one which consists of two woven fabric loops where one loop will should fit snugly around the dogs neck and the other loop around the muzzle should be loose enough so that the dog will still able to eat, drink, bark, and even bite. There are two head collars brands which are very popular in the market, one is the halti brand and the other is gentle leader brand. Among the halti is the popular brand since it has been designed in the way to combine the maximum steering efficiency without sacrificing the comfort of the dog.

These collars will not have any metal parts and so it will not affect the dogs skin as the point of steering is placed on the nose and it is away from the eyes of the dog. Whereas the other head collars brand, the gentle leader brand is designed to remove the tendency of the dog to pull by placing the gentle pressure on the calming points. And this will prevent the dog from any uncomfortable conditions and also prevents the throat of the dog. Totally, these head collars are very beneficial at the initial training for the dogs.

Explore more about      Head collars

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